2008/5/23 大家說英文 let's talk in English

2008/5/23 大家說英文 let's talk in English

1. action :動作
There is a lot of action in this play. It's very exciting.

2.comedy :喜劇
This show is a comedy.It always makes me laugh.

3.free : 自由 免費
You don't have to pay for your food . It's free.

4.film :影片, 拍電影
This movie director always make action films.

5. would rather :寧可
Would you rather eat chicken or fish tonight?

other word :
direction : 方向
rent :租
borrow :借
flicker :閃爍 ,電影

other sentence :
I don't feel like XX . 不想做某事
There's no such a thing as a free lunch. 天下沒有白吃的午餐
Are there any good movies on ? 現在有好看的電影嗎?
I sometimes feel bored. 主詞無聊用 boring , 影響主詞用bored
Have you decided anything?

Context keyword :
rental : 租賃, 出租
flick :電影
free style : 自由式
free fall : 自由落體
prefer :寧可、寧願、更喜歡
carp lake :鯉魚潭
boat :划船 ,船

radio 大家說英文(週五 on the go 2008/5/23)

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