2008/5/5 大家說英文 let's talk in English

2008/5/5 大家說英文 let's talk in English

wrong way

1.floor : 地板, 底部, 樓層
This is Naomi's apartment.She lives on the fourth floor.
2.way : 路, 路途, 路線
Which way is the restaurant?
3.downstairs : 在樓下
Lance is waiting downstairs.
4. follow :跟隨
The police are following the car.
5. sell : 賣
Alice sells purses.Do you want one?

Context keyword :
entrance :入口, 門口
exit : 出口
observatory :天文臺, 瞭望台
observation deck : 觀景台
court : 廣場,庭院
on the way : 在途中
by the way : 在途中; 順便
in the way : 擋道

other word :
purses : 錢包
flour :麵粉
direction :方向
level :水準,層
story :故事; 傳說; 小說#層, 樓
corner :角落
guide :嚮導, 導遊
compass : 羅盤

other sentence :
I'm full.
Where am i?
I like to "listem to" music.
Can you turn down the radio?

video 看公視說英文(週一 on the go 2008/5/5)

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